Luca Sepe 应用

Glimpse 1.0
Luca Sepe
Glimpse is a handy browser.Parse handles everything you need to store data securely andefficiently in the cloud.Store basic data types, including locations and photos, and queryacross them without spinning up a single server.Glimpse is a smart browser accross your data stored in the Parsecloud.- Handle all your Parse Core Data.- Gives a quick overview of classes and columns data types- Smart navigation from object pointers.- View the stored images / photos with a simple touch- Download the stored files on your device (long press on the fieldrow)- Copy fields content (urls, strings, etc.) to clipboard so you canshare/send it.- Open GeoPoint fields on Google Maps (or Earth) with a simpletouchUseful for developers or core data admins.Upcoming next release Glimpse Pro with export and importfeatures! (from and to csv, sql).
JSON Api Explorer 1.1
Luca Sepe
If you are a developer and need to test JSONweb services this app is for you.Available HTTP Requests: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.Specify custom HTTP headers (use Accept if you need to accept aparticular content-type).Edit your request body with helpers for writing JSON and URLencoding string.Store your HTTP Requests, edit and lookup them by name.Visualize and navigate the JSON response from the webservice.Preview images, content type and content length.Copy values from JSON response into your clipboard.Import your HTTP Requests infos from a json array to yourSDCARD!see here:
Sistemi Lotto 1.4
Luca Sepe
Questa app ti consente di creare rapidamente ituoi sistemi a garanzia per il lotto.- seleziona un minimo di 5 numeri fino ad un massimo di 15 fra ituoi preferiti- scegli il raggruppamento (terzine, quartine, cinquine osestine)- scegli il tipo di garanzia fra ambo, terno, quaterna ecinquinaTutti i sistemi sono generati utilizzando sofisticati algoritmidi "covering design" che garantiscono almeno un successo (il tipodi garanzia scelta) se viene estratto il relativo sottoinsieme.Che cosa è il "coverign design" ?E' un campo di ricerca della matematica combinatoria. In questocampo di ricerca sono stati formulati problemi molto difficili.Si definisce "covering design" [detto anche sistema di SteinerC(v,k,t)] un insieme di "blocchi", o k-sottoinsiemi degli elementi{1,2,...,v}, tali che t elementi qualunque appartengano ad un unicoblocco.La difficoltà di questo calcolo combinatoriale consiste neldeterminare il più piccolo possbile numero di blocchi in cui siabbia la garanzia di trovare almeno un sottoinsieme t deglielementi scelti.Come funziona questa app?Supponiamo che tu scelga 8 numeri e uno sviluppo in quartine congaranzia terno.Se vengono estratti almeno 3 degli otto numeri da te scelti, con ilsistema vincerai sicuramente un terno!Sistemi Lotto inoltre ti consente di effettuare una simulazionedel sistema che è stato prodotto.Inserisci gli importi della tua scommessa (per ambo, ternoetc.), seleziona fino a 5 numeri fra quelli da te selezionati econtrolla quanti ambi e terni faresti.Controlla la tua vincita potenziale, pianifica le tue giocate everifica l'eventuale vincita (al netto delle imposte)This app allows you toquickly create your assurance systems for the lot. - Select a minimum of 5 numbers up to a maximum of 15 toyour favorites - Choose the grouping (triplets, quadruplets, sextuplets orfives) - Choose the type of security between both, internal, fourand fiveAll systems are generated using sophisticated algorithms"covering design" ensure that at least one success (the type ofguarantee chosen) if it extracts the subset thereof.What is the "coverign design"?It 'a research field of combinatorial mathematics. In this fieldof research have been formulated very difficult problems.We define "covering design" [also known as the Steiner system C(v, k, t)] a set of "blocks", or k-subsets of elements {1,2, ...,v}, such that t elements belong to any one block.The difficulty of this combinatorial calculation is to determinethe smallest possbile number of blocks in which there is guaranteedto find at least a subset t of the elements selected.How does this app?Suppose you choose 8 numbers and development in quatrains withwarranty procedure.If you are extracted at least 3 of the eight numbers chosen by you,the system surely win the jackpot!Lotto System also allows you to perform a simulation of thesystem that has been produced.Enter the amount of your bet (for both, internal etc.), Selectup to 5 numbers from those selected by you and check how manyambitious and would terni.Check your potential winnings, plan your plays and checks forwinning (net of tax)
Estate Agent Journal 1.0.1
Luca Sepe
This app is for those who works as RealEstateAgent .An electronic diary for:- manage customers- ability to define features and criteria of real estate- quickly insert cards of buildings, using the criteria(type,characteristics, type of heating, etc.) all defined byyou- keep track of mediations , annotations , visits andcustomerreviews- autocomplete ( geocoding ) address- create and store inquiry cards of all your customers whoarelooking for properties- ability to call your customers directly from the appAlso, whenever you add data of a new real estate (soldorleased), the app will automatically notify you about thecustomerswho could be interested in that property. Similarly,whenever youcreate an inquiry card, the app will notify you abouthow manycards are meeting those requirements.Would like to implement other features ? Contact me!Vuoi personalizzare quest'app per poterla integrare con iltuosistema gestionale? Upload di immagini, condivisioneschedeimmobili e/o ricerche? Contattami!Want to customize this app to be able to integrate with yourERPsystem? Upload images, share sheets properties and/orinquiries?Contact me!
Bumblebee 1.0.2
Luca Sepe
Bumblebee an APIs client in your pocketwhichhelps you to test, document and build API clients with fewtaps!Bumblebee features include:- Create requests quickly- Replay and organize- Switch context quickly- Convenient HTTP headers and request parameterseditordialogs- Share your APIs requests by email with yourfellowdevelopers- Comment each parameter and store multiple choices- Copy all the response in your clipboard or copy just a JSONfieldor XML value with a long press- Paste request headers or parameters by your clipboard- Import APIS docs files and test the requests quickly- JSON response viewer- HTTP response headers viewer- JSON response viewer- XML response viewer- Help with filling HTTP headers (autocompletion)- Add multiple choices to request parameters (to enable therelatedautocompletion)- Share your APIs call as cURL commandManage and organize your APIs with Bumblebee Collections foramore efficient integration workflow.Here you can find some exchange files:!Please, try the FREE app first, here:
Bumblebee (free) 1.0.2
Luca Sepe
Bumblebee an APIs client in your pocketwhichhelps you to test, document and build API clients with fewtaps!Bumblebee features include:- Create requests quickly- Replay and organize- Switch context quickly- Convenient HTTP headers and request parameterseditordialogs- Share your APIs requests by email with yourfellowdevelopers- Comment each parameter and store multiple choices- Copy all the response in your clipboard or copy just a JSONfieldor XML value with a long press- Paste request headers or parameters by your clipboard- Import APIS docs files and test the requests quickly- JSON response viewer- HTTP response headers viewer- JSON response viewer- XML response viewer- Help with filling HTTP headers (autocompletion)- Add multiple choices to request parameters (to enable therelatedautocompletion)- Share your APIs call as cURL commandManage and organize your APIs with Bumblebee Collections foramore efficient integration workflow.Here you can find some exchange files:!
LogiLotto 1.0.1
Luca Sepe
Con Logilotto avrai una marcia in più!Oltre alle previsioni, che ricaverai da solo, allestatistiche,alle ricerche, potrai contattare i tuoi amici che hannoinstallatoLogilotto e trasferire i tuoi sistemi e le tue giocate,condividerele tue previsioni.- Gestione archivio estrazioni, possibilità diaggiungernemanualmente o importare un file di testo dal tuodevice- Ricerca in tutte le estrazioni, sulla ruota specificata osututte, di estratti semplici, ambi e terni- Previsioni, ottenute dall'analisi dei numeri "spia" econfrontisulle estrazioni passate- Comodo calcolatore spese / vincite (al netto delle tasse), inbasealla quantità di numeri giocati, alle ruote e allepuntateeffettuate.- Generatore di sistemi a garanzia di ambo, terno e quaternapergiocate da cinque a dieci numeri.- Possibilità di salvare in archivio i sistemigenerati,recuperarli, rimuoverli o condividerli, via email,whatsapp, smsetc. con gli amici che hanno installato LogiLotto.Logilotto youwithsomething extra!In addition to the weather, that ricaverai alone,statistics,research, you can contact your friends who haveinstalled Logilottoand transfer your systems and your play, shareyourpredictions. - Database management of extractions, possibility toaddmanually or import a text file from your device - Search in all walks, the specified wheel or all, ofextractssimple, ambi and themes - Forecasts, derived from an analysis of the numbers "spy"andcomparisons of past extractions - Convenient computer expenses / winnings (excludingtaxes),depending on the amount of numbers played, the wheels andthe betsplaced. - Generator systems to guarantee of both, internalandquadruplet to play from five to ten numbers. - Ability to save on file systems generated, retrievethem,remove them or share them via email, whatsapp, sms etc.withfriends who have installed LogiLotto.
Mohr's Circle 1.6
Luca Sepe
Interactively draw 2D Plane StressMohr'sCircle with your Android device quickly and easily.The interactive Mohr's Circle Diagram will show you:- Principal Stress planes, angle and values- Max Shear plane and values- Stress State on an arbitrary angle that you specify.- Lame EllipseDouble Tap on:- Theta angle label to change the value- On all the points on the circle to view the stress values